Friday, October 12, 2012

Good Boy Fido! Paleo Pup Treats!

Treats: So this is very important when raising a Paleo Pup. Treats are great for training and good for rewarding your pup when he is being a good boy or girl. We are paleo which means no grains for this pooch. So when your in the typical pet store this can be difficult most of the chain stores stock there shelves with treats that use grains or flour, so you need to find a good store that sells many other options. For training purposes we buy Zukes, these aren’t completely grain free but they are small and soft and great for training and they only have a little bit of grain. They also come in great flavors like Salmon and Chicken and Lamb. You can check them out below.
For rewarding purposes we like to give Ace these treats that are sweet potato with beef jerky wrapped around it. The potato is chewy and firm and the jerky is yummy so it takes his puppy teeth a few minutes to chew it up which is good as a distraction. I also stuff his KONG bone with these treats and he loves this. We don’t have the original Kong yet, but if your dog is not Paleo and likes peanut butter ( Ace doesn’t like Peanut Butter) then filling a Kong with Peanut Butter is a great distraction or crate toy. Keeps them busy while your gone. You can even freeze the Kong filled with Peanut Butter for a yummy summer treat. I always used to use peanut butter as a way to get my dogs to eat there medicine. Ace takes his heartworm pills like a champ, no PB needed.
Bones: So I like to give Ace a good sized rawhide bone now and then, he loves them and he especially loves to hide it. So once in a while I give him a rawhide bone, technically its not paleo because its not digestible in dogs but for a treat once in a while its ok. I also buy him real bones from the pet store and bully sticks. He LOVES bully sticks. They come in two different varieties scented and unscented. Trust me on this one you want to buy unscented. They can tend to smell after a while. Fun little fact bully sticks can make any pup aggressive since these treats are so yummy so if your giving one to your pup and others are around be sure they are away from each other and that you brought plenty to share.
Below are some links to my favorite dog store and also the Zukes treats! Enjoy!

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