Friday, October 12, 2012

Puppy Love and Hate

So Ace and Ripley are officially room mates!

Yeah so we have developed some issues right off the bat. My pup Ace is a protective pup when it comes to Mom and Dad and his food. We have had three instances that have involved food and one that involved me and Mike. Ace gets mad and snaps at Ripley. So we try and feed them in seperate rooms, or at the same time and then pick up the bowls once feeding time is over.

We are also trying to teach Ace that it's ok to let other dogs and people come and see his Mom and Dad. He means well and is such a good boy, but I am glad that we are having this problem now and we live with Ripley so we can fix this problem.

They are super cute together they play all the time and cuddle with each other. Ace is super fast and has more traction on our hardwood floors, so they play tag all the time and Ripley has trouble catching up and just trails our fast pup while whining. It's super cute and funny too!

 I love my pups! Do you have any tips or Tricks for training your dog not to be protective?

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